As one year ends and another begins, allow me some time to give you an update on my family…
Jonathan (the tall one) will be VERY glad to finish high school and move on to the world of mature college students at IU. He is just starting his last semester of high school and is working very hard to make each moment count.
Ben’s trumpet playing has been joined by his love for Bass guitar and most of his day is spent playing or listening to music or reading the entire Harry Potter series of books for the first time.
Emily (the sad one in the middle) has continued her love for American Sign Language (ASL) and is a huge help to the special needs kids at church.
Curt continues to volunteer in the church and loves every minute of it. He changes the oil in the family’s cars and has become very good at it. Now if he could just learn to rotate the tires!
Anita’s trip to Nairobi has been postponed until January 2009. Please keep her in your prayers as she works, sells Mary Kay, reviews some medical records for a law office and is pursuing her Master’s Degree from Ball State.
The Austin’s are busy but still able to enjoy a sit-down meal several times each week.