DAY 31

This picture of me, while not originally taken today, was taken today. It is an old picture and I can’t get my scanner to work so I shot this with my phone (and yes, Rick, it DOES count).

This is a picture of a much younger Curt Austin. Taken in the lithography room at Ball State University in 1986, this is how you would find me most days. I loved to read and had a wonderful ceramic cup from which I would drink Mountain Dew by the gallons.

Beside me are two Intaglio plates being prepared for use. The one closest to my knees produced one of my favorite pieces, Days of Yor.

The apron was made by my wife and I wore it with pride. I loved that room and produced some great works…and some not-so-great-works. But I lived there most of my last two years of school and I enjoyed every moment.

Today, I talked to crazy people on the phone, rode in the passenger seat as my wife tried bravely to find a way home in our 2 hour drive in the snow, and had a wonderful supper with my family. And I wouldn’t trade any of that for all the intaglio plates in the world.

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