Here is the first post of my new blog, “Curt Austin 365”. You may be asking, “What in the heck is Curt Austin 365?” Well, let me tell you.
My goal is to take a picture and every day and write a short note, unedited and off the cuff (you probably thought all my work was this way) each and every day for the next year.
Now you may be saying, “Curt, why would you do this and do you really think you can pull this off?”
And I would say, “Yes.”
I would add, “I wanted to do this last year but it was Leap Year, which would never work for this project because then it would be called Curt Austin 366 and I know I don’t have the stamina or the commitment to keep up with this kind of project.”
I think we would both agree that the one day really does make the difference.
So what did I do on December 28, 2008? I went to church and made Penne Pasta, garlic bread and a salad for lunch. Then my wife worked my butt off by cleaning the house from top to bottom. I watched some football and took the dog to the pet supply store to wash him. In the evening, I sat down with my family, ate some pizza and watched the movie God Bless The Child. Then we played Blockus. Now I’m off to bed.
I think for the first day, this is going rather well.
I’ll see you tomorrow.