Student Service Vows

I promised the actual vows for our graduating students. This is a piece I wrote for our Worship Main on the weekend we honored our graduates. Enjoy.

This is an exciting time. In some ways it feels like a time of uncertainty; a blind leap of faith into the unknown. But in truth, it is a chance to prove yourself; to advance fearlessly into the waiting world of endless possibilities. And so, you stand here, at the very edge of a new world; long-anticipated for many, long overdue for others.

You are no longer children. You are men and women whom God has graciously ushered to this amazing season of life.

In the midst of this wonderful change, you will desire and require God’s unchanging presence more than ever. Your faith in God is your own, unlike any time before. This is a sobering reality that represents unlimited opportunities.

Do you accept the incredible responsibilities and freedoms that come with this time of your life?

This is a bittersweet time; one that has been in the making from the moment your child was born. In the past 18 years, you overcame dirty diapers & spilled milk. You watched your toddler learn to crawl, walk, and then run. You mended scraped knees and soothed wounded hearts.

But today is not a time for looking back. Today is a time of reaching forward.
It is a time to celebrate success and growth.
It is a time to acknowledge God’s sovereign hand that made this moment possible.
It is a time to release and trust God like never before.
These men and women have traveled an amazing distance in the past 18 years. And yet, there is an even more amazing journey that waits to be undertaken.

This is a sobering reality that represents releasing these men and women to lives of independence and opportunity.

Do you entrust these you love to Christ more fully than ever before?

Congregational Response:
Throughout the years, we have promised to uphold you in our prayers,
support you in your journey,
and love you at all times.

Though your lives continue to change, our responsibility does not.
And so, we recommit ourselves to pray for you daily,
support you fully,
and love you completely,
as you move into this new stage of life.

We the Body of Grace understand this reality.
We embrace your potential and release you to service and love.
And we entrust you into the hands of our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ Our Lord. AMEN.

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