One Year.
Several Dozen Stories.
A Hundred Or More Photographs.
Several Thousand Hits to the Site.
That’s right…Austin’s Acre celebrates is 1st Anniverary in just a few days. It all began with a few short stories. Some of them, I really like. Others, not so much.
It is hard to believe that it has only been a short year since I started sharing my thoughts and artistic expression with the world. And just think…we’ve only just begun. While you were sleeping last night, I had a brilliant idea!
What is to keep me from expanding the Acre? So next month, we are opening the new Austin’s Acre Theme Park and Water World! featuring a water slide and wacky performance numbers on the center stage of our multiplex theatre. Look out for the new life-sized mascot, “Arty Aardvark!” He’s great fun and kids just love to knock on his shiny armour plating!
Hey, if a mouse can do it, why not Arty?