Dear God,
There is so much to be thankful for today. For friends and family, life and your love, I give thanks.
Thank you for good friends. Thank you for their willingness to listen, their offer to share, their faithful presence in difficult times. Thank you for their undying support throughout the years.
Thank you for my children. Thank you for their trust. Thank you for their love. Thank you for their shining smiles, boundless enthusiasm, and renewed sense of hope with each new day.
Thank you this day. Thank you for the opportunities that await. Thank you for the sunshine and the warmth and the gift of life it brings. Thank you for green grass, blue skies, white clouds, and warm breezes.
Thank you for Grace. Thank you for the forgiveness I know because of your great sacrifice. Thank you for washing away my sins, forgiving me of my actions and my thoughts. Thank you for renewing my heart and giving new life. AMEN.